When you think of pressure cookers, your mind probably goes back to the old Looney Tunes cartoon where the house wife puts all of her ingredients in the machine, turns on the stove, and a few seconds later the entire house blows up. While this may have been the case in many old-school style cookers, the new style pressure cookers are so much more efficient, safer, and really, a breeze to operate.
How often have we all gotten out of bed and said to ourselves to take something out for dinner to defrost. We get going, get to the office (or in most cases our living rooms) and by the time mid-day hit you send off a slew of curse words that would make even the hardened of sailor blush simply because you forgot to take something out. Now what? You can't defrost everything in the microwave (becomes very rubbery) and do you really want to run and get more food that you don't want? My darling, this is where the pressure cooker really shines. Yes, you can put frozen meats into the pressure cooker, add your ingredients, set your time and, Voilà dinner is ready!
I will admit, it takes a little time to get used to the cooking times, but being able to simply put a frozen chicken breast in, and in no time have it fully cooked and taste amazing. The one thing I will shout loudly is this: trust the time. Steam pressure cooking is so efficient and time saving you wonder why you have a firebox in your kitchen! It is great to use in the summer when you don't want to fire up the grill, or turn on the hot oven. Pinterest, and Mr. Google have some amazing recipes and cooking tips, or consult your owners manual when you buy your own machine. You will love using this magic machine in no time!